Gaming News: Video Game Cheats – A Thing of the Past?

Why have cheats disappeared from video games? Do players miss the fun and chaos they brought?

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the disappearance of cheats in video games, players reminisce about the joy and chaos they once brought.


  • Cheats were initially used by developers for testing purposes but evolved into beloved secrets for players.
  • The absence of cheats in modern games is viewed negatively by many, longing for the fun and creative freedom they provided.
  • Some recent games still incorporate classic cheat codes, keeping the tradition alive in a few titles.

Nostalgic Sentiments

Players fondly remember using cheats in games like Age of Empires 2 and GTA San Andreas, highlighting the playful and experimental nature cheats once offered. In contrast, today’s games tend to focus more on achievements and unlocking content through gameplay, diminishing the role of cheats.

Testing and Marketing

One user explains that cheats were initially tools for game testers to ensure thorough evaluation of the game. However, over time, these cheats became sought-after secrets, enhancing player engagement and sparking discussions, ultimately serving as a form of free marketing for the games.

Evolution of Cheats

While modern games may lack traditional cheat codes, some games like Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 still incorporate them, preserving the nostalgic element for players. Additionally, games such as Valheim and Ark maintain cheats through console commands, catering to a specific audience that enjoys the creative and unrestricted gameplay.

Despite the shift away from traditional cheats, some games offer alternate forms of assistance, like Control’s “Assist Mode,” providing accessibility options that mirror the benefits of cheats under a different guise.