Skull and Bones: Legendary Heists – What’s the Buzz on Reddit?

Discover why Reddit users are questioning the frequency of legendary heists in Skull and Bones game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the latest buzz surrounding legendary heists in Skull and Bones? Reddit users are sharing their thoughts and concerns. Let’s dive in and see what’s got them talking!


  • Legendary heists in Skull and Bones may have been nerfed in a recent update.
  • Players are questioning the drop frequency of legendary heists.
  • Speculation suggests that manufactories and game updates play a role in heist availability.

Players’ Perspectives

Surfer123456 raises concerns about a significant drop in legendary heist frequency, sparking discussions among players.

Pertudles suggests that manufacturing spots may affect legendary heist availability, hinting at a game-changing mechanic.

Similar_Ad6183 sheds light on a recent game update that ties legendary heists to specific in-game conditions, adding a new layer of complexity for players.

SolAggressive theorizes on the mechanics behind legendary heist frequency, offering insights into how manufactories and player actions may influence heist occurrences.

Community Insights

Players express mixed feelings over the alleged decrease in legendary heist frequency, with some lamenting the change while others adapt to the new gameplay dynamics.

The discussion on Skull and Bones’ subreddit reveals a dedicated community actively analyzing game mechanics and sharing tips to navigate challenges.

Overall, the Reddit post reflects players’ engagement with Skull and Bones’ evolving gameplay elements and their eagerness to understand and adapt to the changes affecting legendary heists.