Avoid Shield Backpacks! The Punisher Plasma Surprise in Helldivers

Discovering the explosive surprise when combining shield backpacks and Punisher Plasma in Helldivers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players recently uncovered a shocking interaction between the Shield Backpack and Punisher Plasma. A reddit post titled ‘The Punisher Plasma will explode in your face if you have a shield backpack equipped’ by user Tulakale stirred up quite a conversation.


  • The Punisher Plasma creates chaos with shield backpacks equipped.
  • Players find the interaction surprising and amusing.
  • Bugs and unintended consequences add a humorous element to the gameplay.

Explosive Surprises

One user humorously warned, ‘Never fire a lasgun while wearing a shield! The resulting thermonuclear explosion will kill us all!’ This unexpected behavior caught many players off guard, leading to laughter and surprise within the community.

Gameplay Enhancements

Despite the unintended consequences, some players praised the Punisher Plasma, noting its effectiveness in staggering enemies. Users like FloofQueenEmily highlighted how the weapon became a standout choice after the patch, showcasing its power in combat scenarios.

Bugs and Balancing Act

While some users found the bug amusing, others like fireheart1029 criticized the lack of playtesting. The inadvertent combination of the Punisher Plasma and shield backpacks raised concerns about game balance and the importance of thorough testing before releasing updates.

Playtesting and bug fixing are essential components of game development, and this incident in Helldivers serves as a reminder of the importance of thorough testing. The community’s reactions reflect a mix of amusement, appreciation for new gameplay dynamics, and calls for better quality assurance practices.