SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides: 1 Mistake EVERY Raze Player Makes!

Learn the common mistake made by Raze players in Valorant and how to avoid it. Improve your gameplay with SkillCapped's tips and tricks!

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Griot the NPC

In the video titled “1 Mistake EVERY Raze Player Makes! – Valorant #shorts,” SkillCapped Valorant Tips Tricks and Guides highlights a common mistake made by Raze players in Valorant. The mistake involves the improper use of Raze’s Satchel ability, which can be detrimental to the player’s gameplay. SkillCapped provides valuable insights and tips on how to avoid this mistake and enhance your gameplay as a Raze player.

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Key Takeaways

  • Double Satchel can put Raze players at a disadvantage by exposing them to enemy attacks while in the air.
  • Spacing out Satchel usage allows Raze players to make progress and take space without putting themselves in excessive danger.
  • Using Satchels periodically throughout the round can help Raze players close smaller gaps and maintain a strategic advantage.

The Importance of Proper Satchel Usage

Raze’s Satchel ability is a powerful tool that can be used to close gaps, create distractions, and gain advantageous positions. However, many Raze players make the mistake of using double Satchel to cover a large distance in one go. While this may seem effective in theory, it often leaves the player vulnerable to enemy attacks.

When a Raze player uses double Satchel, they spend a significant amount of time in the air, making them an easy target for enemies. During this time, the player is unable to defend themselves as they need to draw their weapon. This delay gives enemies an opportunity to eliminate the Raze player before they can react.

Additionally, using double Satchel puts the Raze player at the same distance from their teammates. In the event that the Raze player gets eliminated, their teammates cannot easily trade them out, leaving the team at a disadvantage.

Spacing Out Satchel Usage

To avoid this mistake, SkillCapped suggests spacing out Satchel usage. Instead of using double Satchel to cover a large distance at once, Raze players should consider using their Satchels periodically throughout the round to launch themselves forward and take smaller amounts of space. By doing so, Raze players can still make progress and take space without exposing themselves to unnecessary danger.

Spacing out Satchel usage allows Raze players to maintain a strategic advantage by closing smaller gaps and maintaining a defensive position. It also ensures that the player is not left vulnerable for an extended period, reducing the chances of getting picked off by enemies.

By adopting this strategy, Raze players can enhance their gameplay and contribute more effectively to their team’s success. SkillCapped’s valuable tips and insights provide a practical approach to mastering Raze’s Satchel ability and improving overall gameplay in Valorant.