Smite: The Support Dilemma – Dodge or Embrace?

Discover the contentious world of Smite support roles - is it dodge-worthy or a hidden gem?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of Smite, the support role has sparked heated debates among players, with many expressing frustrations over the lack of appeal in this crucial position. The contentious issue has led to a significant percentage of lobbies being dodged due to players unwilling to take on the support mantle.


  • The support role in Smite faces criticism for being less engaging compared to damage-dealing roles, leading to frequent dodges in lobbies.
  • Players highlight the importance of revamping the support experience in Smite 2 to make it more enjoyable and rewarding.
  • Suggestions such as restricting role swapping until players fulfill support duties are proposed to address the dodging issue.

Support’s Conundrum

The contentious debate surrounding the support role in Smite revolves around the perceived lack of excitement and impact compared to damage-dealing roles. Many players feel that the support position, while crucial for the team’s success, lacks the immediate gratification and thrill of securing kills or making flashy plays.

Rewards and Sacrifices

Players who enjoy the support role often emphasize the unique satisfaction that comes with enabling their teammates to shine. The selfless nature of support, requiring strategic decision-making and sacrifices for the team’s benefit, is viewed as a rewarding challenge for those who appreciate the role’s nuances.

Role Queue Woes

The dilemma of dodging support responsibilities in Smite lobbies creates a ripple effect, with some players experiencing an increased frequency of being assigned the support role due to others avoiding it. This cyclical pattern exacerbates the perception of support as a less desirable position, contributing to the ongoing dodging phenomenon.

The complex dynamics of player preferences, role diversity, and game balance intersect in the discussion around the Smite support role, highlighting the need for thoughtful changes to better cater to players’ diverse playstyles and preferences.//p>