Ryley – Clash Royale: How I Qualified For CRL Tourney Finals

Read about Ryley's journey to qualifying for the CRL Tourney Finals in Clash Royale and his epic winning strategy.

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Griot the NPC

Ryley – Clash Royale’s recent video titled ‘How I QUALIFIED For CRL Tourney Finals’ showcases his journey to the finals and his winning strategy. He explains his thought process and key moves that led him to victory.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Ryley’s strategy involved using the Hog Rider and earthquake spells to deal damage.
  • He carefully timed his card placements to counter his opponent’s moves.
  • Ryley’s ability to adapt to the low Elixir situation and make quick decisions played a crucial role in his victory.

Ryley’s Winning Journey:

Ryley starts off the video with the RG only getting one hit on his tower. With 600 HP remaining, he quickly deploys the Hog Rider, knowing his opponent lacks the Fisherman card. He follows it up with an earthquake spell, and miraculously, the Valkyrie manages to get a swing on the tower. To defend against his opponent’s Hog Rider, Ryley uses the Evo Firecracker and E Spirit to block the Evo Bomber. Surprisingly, the opponent’s bomber fails to hit Ryley’s tower, giving him a chance to counter with an Evo Valkyrie. With a low Elixir count, Ryley realizes his victory is within reach. Using earthquake spells and a final firecracker attack, he brings his opponent into snowball earthquake range. Ryley’s strategic placement of the earthquake spell ensures success, and he secures the win, advancing to the winner bracket finals.

Ryley’s Winning Strategy:

Ryley’s strategy revolves around the Hog Rider and earthquake spells. By carefully timing his card placements, he maximizes damage output and counters his opponent’s moves. He takes advantage of his opponent’s lack of certain cards, such as the Fisherman, to launch effective attacks. Ryley’s ability to adapt to the low Elixir situation showcases his quick decision-making skills and strategic thinking. His vision and anticipation of the earthquake spell’s timing played a crucial role in his victory, ensuring that he didn’t miss the Spells and secure the win. Ryley’s journey to the CRL Tourney Finals is a testament to his skill and dedication in Clash Royale.