Palworld: Building the Ultimate Meme Team for Tower Bosses and Alphas

Join the hilarious quest to create a meme-worthy team of pals in Palworld to take on tower bosses and alphas!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are embarking on a quirky challenge to build a meme team of unconventional pals to tackle tower bosses and alphas in a unique playthrough. Seeking suggestions from the community, players aim to combine fun and viability in their meme team selections.


  • Players are shunning conventional choices to create entertaining yet effective meme teams.
  • Mossandra stands out for its meme potential with Rocket Launcher and t-pose glider antics.
  • An explosives team featuring Pengullet, Tocotoco, Mossanda, Relaxaurus, and Jetragon offers a stunning strategy for combat.

Mossandra – The Ultimate Meme Companion

One user highlights Mossandra as the pinnacle of meme gameplay with its quirky abilities like wielding a Rocket Launcher without reloading and engaging in t-pose glider shenanigans. The visual humor of Mossandra’s actions adds a comedic flair to battles, making it a standout choice for meme teams.

The Explosives Dream Team

A community member recommends an all-explosives team comprising of Pengullet, Tocotoco, Mossanda, Relaxaurus, and Jetragon. This explosive lineup aims to stun-lock enemies with a continuous barrage of explosive attacks, ensuring an entertaining yet effective combat style.

The Quirky Underdogs

For those seeking unconventional picks, suggestions like Dumud, Relaxaurus, Mozzarina, and Tocotoco offer a mix of funny animations and unique abilities that add a touch of humor to battles. Players are encouraged to explore the potential of underrated pals for their meme teams.

Palworld players are diving into a playful endeavor by curating meme teams composed of eccentric and amusing pals to inject humor and excitement into their gameplay experiences. The community’s creativity and enthusiasm towards crafting unconventional yet functional teams showcase the game’s versatile and entertaining aspects. As players experiment with meme-worthy combinations, the vibrant spirit of camaraderie and fun remains at the forefront of the Palworld community’s gaming adventures.