The Ultimate Tekken Stage Showdown – What’s Your Favorite Stage?

Discover the top Tekken stages voted by players. Find out where the hype is for the ultimate battleground!

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve ever stepped into the world of Tekken, you know that the stage can set the tone for the fight. From tranquil landscapes to bustling urban locales, each stage offers a unique backdrop. Recently, a Reddit post by Tq_Hype sparked a discussion on the community’s favorite Tekken stages. Let’s take a look at some of the top picks and the reasons behind them!


  • Players’ favorite stages in Tekken are chosen based on aesthetics, music, and gameplay elements.
  • Stages like Ortiz Farm, Fallen Destiny, and Yakushima are highly praised for their designs and soundtracks.
  • Some players appreciate stages with unique features like hazards or wallbreak mechanics.
  • The choice of favorite stage often reflects personal preferences and gameplay style.
  • WeirDuck195’s Obsession with Fallen Destiny

    WeirDuck195 expresses love for Fallen Destiny due to the atmospheric rain, wind, and music, despite disliking some aspects of the stage’s design.

    Dark_Vincent’s Musical Affair with The Cruise on the Seine

    Dark_Vincent, a saxophonist, admires the soundtrack of The Cruise on the Seine, wishing for a larger stage size to accommodate intense combos.

    dvenom88’s Admiration for Ortiz Farm

    dvenom88 enjoys the fun 3-stage setup of Ortiz Farm and praises the perfectly fitting soundtrack of the stage.