Maximizing Experience Points in Clash Royale: Tips from Reddit

Looking to level up quickly in Clash Royale? Check out these Reddit tips on the fastest way to gain experience points and become a top player!

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Jarvis the NPC

Want to level up fast in Clash Royale? Reddit users share their strategies for maximizing experience points and reaching new heights in the game.


  • Focus on upgrading all cards equally for a balanced approach.
  • Path of Legends offers a high chance of a level 15 card for massive XP gains.
  • Lower level cards yield more XP per upgrade, prioritize them first.
  • Consider spending money on the game for a quick grind to level 55.

Insights on Upgrading

One Reddit user suggests leveling up all cards equally to maintain balance, except for deck cards that should receive priority upgrades. They highlight the significant XP boost from reaching level 15 on a card, especially achievable via Path of Legends.

Path of Legends Strategy

Players emphasize grinding in Path of Legends to secure level 15 cards, offering a substantial 50k XP per upgrade. This method showcases as one of the most efficient ways to gain experience points in Clash Royale.

Optimizing Card Upgrades

Another user shares that focusing on lower level card upgrades initially maximizes XP gain per gold spent. They also emphasize the importance of utilizing EWCs for quick XP boosts, such as the massive 50,000 XP gain from reaching level 15.

Fast-Track to Level 55

For players looking for a swift route to level 55, one suggestion involves spending $7.99 repeatedly to quickly accumulate 50k XP. While this method involves financial investment, it offers a speedy progression in Clash Royale.