Mastering Lineups in Valorant: Tips and Tricks for Keeping Track

Struggling to keep track of all your lineups in Valorant? Find out how to memorize and utilize them effectively with these expert tips!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Struggling to keep track of all those lineups in Valorant? Whether you’re a molly master or a flash fanatic, here’s how to perfect your play.


  • Focus on immediate value lineups for maximum impact.
  • Avoid overloading yourself with unnecessary lineups.
  • Practice repetitions in custom games to hone your skills efficiently.

Strategies for Keeping Track

One approach suggested by Papy_Wouane is to prioritize useful lineups for immediate value rather than overwhelming yourself with numerous setups that you may never use.

Player Experience

HippoOwn1230 shares that players who utilize lineups are rare to come by, highlighting the unique advantage gained by mastering these tactics.

Practice Makes Perfect

almondenigma emphasizes the power of repetition in custom games to solidify lineup execution, particularly when mastering a new agent like Cypher.

TangyMaster simplifies the process, noting that continuous practice is key to enhancing lineup retention and execution.

Starhelper11 humorously suggests recording lineups for future reference, acknowledging the struggle of remembering them all.

Trolleitor emphasizes the importance of learning from mistakes, asserting that missed lineups leave a lasting impression that ensures future success.