Gaming News: Escape From Tarkov Studio Boss Faces Fan Backlash Over Payment Plan

Fans of Escape From Tarkov express discontent over the studio's decision to charge extra for PVE content.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of gaming news, Escape From Tarkov players are in an uproar over the studio boss’s surprise at player backlash over the decision to charge extra for PvE content.


  • Players express frustration over the studio’s pricing strategy, deeming it as greedy.
  • The community feels the boss lacks an understanding of gamers’ expectations and financial constraints.
  • Disappointed fans criticize the decision to lock desired features behind a steep paywall.

Player Sentiments

Many players voiced their concerns, with one user mentioning, “I don’t know how even the smoothest of brains wouldn’t be able to figure out why people would be upset by such blatant greed.”

Studio Boss Misunderstanding

Others criticized the studio boss, noting, “Sounds like the studio boss doesn’t even vaguely understand gaming, pricing, the current inflation crunch for people, and a host of other reasons why this version price is absolutely absurd.”

Community Disappointment

One commenter highlighted the disconnect between the studio and its audience, stating, “Except this is ludicrous and the result of seeing the game purely as a product without understanding the hobby or the audience for said product.”

Escape From Tarkov players are raising their voices against what they perceive as unfair treatment, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and player-centric decisions in game development.