League of Legends: Sylas Ultimate Inconsistencies – A Community Debate

Explore the uproar in the League of Legends community over the inconsistency of Sylas' ultimate abilities and why players are calling for a fix.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are in an uproar over the inconsistencies in Sylas’ ultimate abilities. The community is split on whether Sylas’ ultimate should be more reliable.


  • The community debates the inconsistency of Sylas’ ultimate abilities.
  • Players argue for or against adjustments to make Sylas’ ult more consistent.
  • RiotNorak addresses upcoming changes to improve Sylas’ ult interactions.

Players’ Perspectives on Sylas’ Ultimate

Sylas’ ultimate abilities have sparked a lively debate in the League of Legends subreddit. Users are raising concerns about the inconsistency of his ult interactions with various champions.

RiotNorak’s Progress and Promises

RiotNorak acknowledges the community’s feedback and expresses commitment to improving Sylas’ ult consistency. They mention upcoming changes to address specific ult interactions.

Player Suggestions for Improving Sylas’ Ult

Some players propose creative solutions to make Sylas’ ult more reliable by adjusting cooldowns or effects based on the stolen ult. Others argue for maintaining the unique nature of Sylas’ ult mechanics.

Despite the differing opinions, the community’s passion for enhancing gameplay experiences is evident in the ongoing discussion surrounding Sylas’ ultimate inconsistencies.