All About ‘Deep Rock Galactic’ – Welcome Aboard Helldivers!

Discover the hype for Helldivers in this Deep Rock Galactic community post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Welcome to the craziness that is Deep Rock Galactic. A Reddit post on the show they were giving to Helldivers created a mix of emotions among the players. The community had both positive and negative views on the recent events.


  • Players showed enthusiasm for the crossover between games.
  • Some expressed disappointment over recent gaming events affecting Helldivers.
  • There was a mix of appreciation and skepticism towards the developers.

Positive Vibes

The community was abuzz with excitement as players welcomed the Helldivers with open arms. Comments like “Rock and Stone!” echoed the enthusiasm for the crossover event, showcasing the camaraderie among players in the Deep Rock Galactic universe.

Negative Sentiments

However, not all comments were filled with positivity. Concerns arose regarding the handling of certain gaming events, with players expressing disappointment and skepticism towards the future of Helldivers. The sentiment of uncertainty lingered among players who were hoping for a resolution.

Community Engagement

Despite the varying opinions, the community engagement remained high, with players actively discussing their thoughts and feelings. While some shared jokes and camaraderie, others delved into deeper discussions about the state of the game and the impact of recent events on its player base. The diverse range of opinions showcased the passion and dedication within the Deep Rock Galactic community.