League of Legends: LEC Pros Create their Ideal Mid Laner

Discover what LEC pros envision as their dream mid laner in League of Legends and why fans are split on their choices.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans are buzzing about a recent post from LEC pros sharing their dream mid laners. See what the community thinks about their choices.


  • Humanoid causing a stir with his unconventional approach.
  • Chovy’s influence evident in many users’ comments.

Humanoid’s Unique Picks

Humanoid’s daring choices have sparked excitement among fans, with some appreciating his bold take on the ideal mid laner.

Chovy’s Impact

Chovy’s reputation precedes him, as evidenced by the numerous mentions of his influence in the LEC pros’ selections.

Marek Brazda Memes

The community is having a field day with Marek Brazda’s carefree attitude, turning it into meme-worthy content.

In the world of League of Legends, opinions are diverse and discussions are never-ending. The recent post by LEC pros has ignited a wave of reactions, highlighting the community’s passion and engagement with the game’s competitive scene.