The Ultimate Guide to Your Favorite Weapons in Warzone

Discover the top weapon choices in Warzone as discussed by passionate players on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered what weapon truly reigns supreme in the world of Warzone? Let’s dive into the heated discussions on Reddit to uncover the community’s favorite choices.


  • Players swear by a variety of weapons, highlighting the diversity in preferences.
  • The community enjoys experimenting with different loadouts for maximum effectiveness.
  • Certain weapons like the BP50 and the WSP-9 have gained legendary status among players.

Fit-River-6563: Striker 9 Enthusiast

Fit-River-6563 raves about the Striker 9, praising its exceptional movement and robust range post-nerf, making it a sought-after choice for many in Warzone.

namjd72: Arsenal Expert

namjd72 shares a comprehensive list of preferred weapons across categories, showcasing a keen understanding of different playstyles and loadout strategies.

Historical_Elk7867: Unconventional Builds

Historical_Elk7867 opts for a unique MCW SMG build with HMR in Rebirth, highlighting the allure of experimenting with unconventional setups for a thrilling gameplay experience.

BrashAntagonist: WSP 9 Advocacy

BrashAntagonist declares the WSP 9 as the ultimate SMG, lauding its resilience through various weapon updates, cementing its position as a fan-favorite.

woestknap praises the BP50 combined with the Mors for its uninterrupted firepower, ensuring continuous action without the need for frequent reloads.

MaleficentDraw1993’s preference for the TAQ Evolvere with 556 ammo showcases a need for high bullet count weapons, emphasizing the importance of sustained firepower in intense battles.

Mrright016’s dedication to the BP50 underscores the impact of personal attachment and playstyle on weapon choices, indicating a deep connection to a particular firearm.

Darren793’s dynamic approach of switching between the KATT and Striker 9 combo for Rebirth Island demonstrates adaptability and situational awareness in crafting effective loadouts.

blindmodz provides insights on SMG choices, favoring the HRM9 and WSP-9 due to their flexibility and scope options, indicating the influence of controller preferences on weapon selection.

The lively discussions around weapon preferences in Warzone reflect the vibrant community’s passion for optimizing loadouts and finding the perfect weapon fit for their playstyles. Each player’s choice is a reflection of their unique approach to gameplay and the thrilling experiences they seek in the fast-paced world of Warzone.