League of Legends: Hilarious Mundo to Jhin Main Switch in Mid Fight

A hilarious moment where a player switches from Mundo to Jhin mid-fight is both infuriating and funny to watch in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, anything can happen mid-fight – even switching champions! A user shared a hilarious clip where a player switched from Mundo to Jhin, leaving everyone surprised and amused. The comments reflect the mix of emotions viewers experienced, from laughter to disbelief.


  • Players are amazed by the unexpected champion switch mid-fight.
  • Viewers find the clip both infuriating and funny.
  • Some comments question the damage output and tactics used in the video.

Infuriating or Hilarious?

One user, Davjwx, captured the sentiment perfectly by expressing how it’s infuriating yet undeniably funny to witness such a drastic champion change in the heat of battle. The element of surprise combined with the unconventional choice of switching from Mundo to Jhin left the community buzzing with amusement.

Mind-Blown Reactions

YukkaRinnn pointed out how healing with autos, usually considered a meme, became a surprising strategy in this instance. The unexpected nature of the play seemingly defied conventional gameplay tactics and turned into an entertaining spectacle.

Questionable Damage Output

However, some users, like Papapep9, raised concerns about the damage output of the player in the clip. Questions were posed regarding the effectiveness of the build and the reasoning behind the seemingly low damage dealt during the gameplay.

F0RGERY delved into the editing of such clips and pondered whether the omission of the scoreboard was intentional to fit platforms like TikTok or to mask the player’s fed state. This raised intriguing discussions about video editing choices and their impact on viewer perceptions.

While the community was split between finding the champion switch both hilarious and bewildering, the overall consensus was that the unexpected nature of the play added a fresh and entertaining twist to the League of Legends experience.