League of Legends: Heimer Turrets Invincible Buff – Myth or Reality?

Discover the controversy around Heimer's unkillable turrets in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are abuzz with excitement over a potential game-changing buff that renders Heimerdinger’s turrets unkillable. Is this a myth or reality?


  • Community divided on impact of minion buff.
  • Speculation on whether this is a bug or intentional design.
  • Players eager for clarity on PBE release.

Players’ Reactions

One Reddit user, TheeOmegaPi, hilariously remarked, “God bless this mess,” showcasing the community’s mixed feelings towards the turret issue.

Another user, brokerZIP, took a more critical stance, calling Heimer players “boring bastards,” even without the bug.

Debate and Hype

Players like itsalwayschilly are eager for the update, excitedly asking when it will go live, unable to contain their anticipation with a cheeky emoji.

On the flip side, United_Ad_6554 bluntly stated, “No thanks,” hinting at their disinterest or skepticism regarding the buff.