Discover the Most Exciting and Fun Builds in Deep Rock Galactic

Find out the craziest builds Deep Rock Galactic players use to maximize fun and effectiveness in their missions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the diverse and unique builds players use in Deep Rock Galactic can help you uncover new ways to excel in battles and have a blast doing it. From flame-wielding drillers to crackhead speed scouts, the community showcases a wide range of inventive loadouts and strategies.


  • Driller’s sticky flames and EPC for all-round efficiency.
  • Scout’s Drak-25 and Boomstick for crowd control and speed.
  • Engineer’s lava laser and shotgun combos for chaotic fun.
  • Gunner’s Bullet Hell on the minigun for a wild ride.

Metaest Meta Driller Combos

One user praises a Driller setup as the epitome of meta, showcasing its enduring popularity and effectiveness. The combination of sticky flames and EPC provides versatile solutions for various enemy encounters, making it a reliable choice for many.

Engineer’s Chaotic Loadout

Another player opts for an Engineer build centered around creating chaos with lava lasers, Fatboy explosives, and cheese factories. This unconventional mix of weapons and gadgets offers comedic relief and surprising efficiency in battles.

Wild Gunner Adventures

A Gunner enthusiast shares their love for the Bullet Hell overclock on the minigun, embracing the chaotic and unpredictable nature of the build. Despite its drawbacks, the sheer firepower and amusement factor make it a favorite for casual fun.

Capturing the essence of Deep Rock Galactic’s community creativity and dedication, these builds exemplify the diverse playstyles and preferences that make the game a thrilling experience for all players.