Last Epoch: Mod Range Modifier Confusion and Frustrations Explained

Last Epoch players are confused about a recent change to the mod range modifier keybinding, leading to frustrations.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players recently discovered a change in the mod range modifier keybinding, causing confusion and frustrations. Players shared their thoughts on this unexpected alteration.


  • Players are frustrated by the sudden change in the mod range modifier keybinding.
  • Some users suggest the change is due to the patch impacting the auto-compare feature.
  • Many players express a desire for more customization options in the game.

Players Affected by the Keybinding Change

Players like Super_Aggro_Crag and Reticent_Fly noted how the keybinding has been a consistent factor in their gameplay experience, leading to unexpected challenges. Super_Aggro_Crag even humorously describes preferring a different key combination for convenience.

Desire for Customization Options

Not-Half-Brad emphasizes the need for more customization options, especially for accessibility features. The sentiment is echoed by many players who feel that such improvements would enhance the overall gaming experience.

Community’s Response and Engagement

Multiple players like pancakebreak direct others towards the official forums to voice their feedback, indicating a proactive approach to resolution. The community’s engagement in seeking solutions showcases their dedication to improving the game’s mechanics.