League of Legends: New Lee Sin Winrate Bug Controversy

Lee Sin's sudden rise in winrate sparks conspiracy theories among players. Is there a bug aiding his dominance?

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players are abuzz with chatter surrounding Lee Sin’s unexpected winrate surge. A Reddit post by AspyAsparagus delves into the suspicion of an accidental buff propelling the blind monk to the top.


  • Speculation rife about Lee Sin’s boosted winrate being linked to hidden buffs.
  • Players note discrepancies in item changes and damage output that seem to favor Lee Sin.
  • Community divided between amusement and frustration over the situation.

Player Speculations

XXLepic suggests, “Yeah I’ve been hearing his Q2 is doing more damage, highly probable more bugs.” PurelyFire shares, “I was getting completely fisted by him in arena so I’m curious.” Maskogre points out, “R apply secondary dmg multiple times to unstoppable champions.” Tristanl0l finds humor in the situation, stating, “his abilities doing a shit ton more damage and his winrate only going up 4% is hilarious.”

Item Nerfs Impact

The community is quick to connect the dots between Lee Sin’s winrate surge and recent item nerfs affecting other champions negatively. The correlation raises suspicions of potential imbalances created unintentionally by game updates.

Community Reaction

While some players find humor in the situation and enjoy the chaos it brings to the game, others express frustration at the perceived lack of balance and fairness. The divide in sentiments mirrors the ongoing debate within the community.

Lee Sin’s unexpected dominance raises questions about the stability of game balancing and the potential for unforeseen consequences from patch updates. Whether a bug or an intentional change, the controversy surrounding Lee Sin’s winrate serves as a reminder of the intricate dynamics at play within the League of Legends community.