How to Get Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft

Here’s how you can get Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft. There are no easy ways to get Anomalous Serum, and what’s more, you’re also limited in the amount that you can get per day.

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Ursine Warrior

Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft

Grinding Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft is a multi-day process. To be more precise. If you want to unlock a piece of equipment that requires Anomalous Serum as a component, you’re gonna need to spend a couple of days just farming the serum. 

There is no easy or quick way to get this stuff. It’s similar to farming Anomalous Battery in that regard. However, unlike Anomalous Batteries, which spawn in airdrops. Anomalous Serum can only be obtained through doing quests. Which is a real kick in the groin.

Do you hate playing alone? After all, it’s better to scavenge the Zone with a battle buddy by your side. If that’s the case, then you should definitely check out the Z League app. Its LFG feature will help find you a battle buddy in no time. 

Key Takeaways for How to Get Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft

  • Anomalous Serum is rewarded for completing Weekly Quests
  • Before you can take on Weekly Quests, you have to have reached Level 4 with your respective sub-faction
  • You can also take on daily quests from your respective sub-faction attendants, which will reward you with Anomalous Serum upon completion
  • Have a good set of armor from the Scientist tree. It will come in handy when performing scanner installations, which are usually located in the most hazardous areas of the Zone.

How to Acquire Anomalous Serum

Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft

Anomalous Serum is acquired by doing weekly quests. However, before you can even take on these weekly quests, you have to have reached Level 4 and Level 5 reputation with your respective sub-faction.

It makes no difference whether you’re part of Duty or part of the Mercenaries, or any other of the sub-factions for that matter. Each and every one of them will require you to have reached a high reputation with them before they begin issuing you their weekly quests.

There is also another way in which you can earn some Anomalous Serum in Stalcraft. That is by doing the daily quests that your faction representative issues you.

Each of the factions has a special attendant that will issue these quests to you. But once you finish them, that’s it! You’ll have to wait another 24 hours before you’ll be able to pick up another quest. This is the main reason why farming Anomalous Serum is so tedious. It’s not the quests themselves, but the wait for them to refresh. 

What Kind of Quests Are the Weekly Quests Anyways?

Daily quests are usually a one-and-done deal. Weekly quests on the other hand are a multi-step process. Whether it’s installing scanners in a certain anomalous area or a contract killing, you’re gonna need a lot more effort to complete them.

One of the best tips I can give you is this: have a good piece of armor from the Scientist tree. Oftentimes, the scanner installation missions will require you to go into the most hazardous areas of the Zone. I.e. high doses of radiation, psy, thermal, or biological damage.

Without a reliable set of armor, it’ll be impossible for you to accomplish these missions. You can pop medication to reduce the effects of these elements, but that isn’t an effective solution long-term.