Helldivers: Should the Orbital Railcannon be Able to 1-Shot Bile Titans?

Should the Railcannon devastate Bile Titans in Helldivers? The community debates!

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers is ablaze with discussion about whether the Orbital Railcannon should 1-shot Bile Titans. The debate rages on as players weigh in on this explosive topic.


  • The community is split on whether the Railcannon should 1-shot Bile Titans.
  • Players argue that the Railcannon should be powerful enough to pierce the armor of Bile Titans.
  • Some suggest adding new mechanics like decreased cooldowns for specific items to balance the game.

The Debate

Europe_1986 kicks off the discussion by questioning why the Orbital Railcannon can’t 1-shot Bile Titans, considering its ability to penetrate other heavy armor units like Hulks and Tanks. They express frustration at the current imbalance and suggest that the Railcannon should be more effective against these medium enemy units.

TheGentlemanCEO passionately argues that a weapon of such magnitude fired from space should have the power to obliterate anything in its path. They humorously declare their readiness to defend this viewpoint even if it means taking a stand on a fictional hill.

Community Voices

Responsible_Disk_728 adds a touch of humor by emphasizing the irony of classifying the Bile Titan as a medium enemy type, implying that it shouldn’t be as resilient as it currently is. This succinct comment resonates with many players who find the current state of the game’s balance perplexing.

Yipeekayya highlights the precision and long cooldown of the Railcannon, suggesting that given these characteristics, it should indeed have the capability to 1-shot Bile Titans. The community seems to echo this sentiment, advocating for a more impactful Railcannon experience.

Suggestions for Improvement

00Fart proposes an interesting solution by suggesting the introduction of a radio-type backpack that specifically reduces cooldowns for Orbitals and Sentries. This constructive feedback aims to address the issue of extended cooldowns for powerful abilities in the game.

FMIS999 reminisces about Helldivers’ previous cooldown mechanics and hopes for a shorter cooldown instead of a damage buff. This nostalgic perspective sheds light on how gameplay changes can impact player experiences and preferences.