Swiftplay or Unrated for Improvement in Valorant – Which is Better?

Discover the community's thoughts on whether Swiftplay or Unrated mode offers the best environment for improvement in Valorant.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are debating whether Swiftplay or Unrated mode is the optimal choice for skill improvement. The discussion showcases diverse opinions on how each mode influences player development.


  • Swiftplay offers a casual environment for testing new agents and keybinds but lacks seriousness for skill improvement.
  • Unrated provides a more competitive setting closer to ranked matches, aiding in skill development.
  • Competitive mode is favored for consistent and balanced gameplay allowing for effective learning.

Swiftplay: Casual vs. Competitive

Players like LeMeMeSxDLmaop believe Swiftplay is more for casual play, lacking true improvement value.

Unrated: A Closer Look at Competitiveness

ItsYaBoiBrett argues that Unrated closely mirrors Comp play, providing better training.

Competitive Mode: The Ultimate Training Ground

mattycmckee emphasizes the importance of competitive matches for serious skill enhancement.

Valorant fans are split on whether Swiftplay or Unrated mode is better for skill improvement. The consensus leans towards Unrated for its closer resemblance to competitive matches, aiding players in honing their skills. While Swiftplay offers a more relaxed atmosphere for trying out new agents and keybinds, it may not provide the ideal environment for significant skill growth. Ultimately, the choice between Swiftplay and Unrated depends on individual preferences and goals in Valorant.