Helldivers: A Triumph of Democracy in Defense Main Order

Helldivers subreddit celebrates first successful defense main order since launch. Democracy prevails!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Helldivers community is abuzz with excitement as they achieve their first successful defense main order since the game’s launch. InkiePie39’s post captures the essence of their triumph against all odds.


  • The Helldivers community unites in joy and pride over their recent victory.
  • Players recount the intense moments leading up to the successful defense main order.
  • Democracy’s resilience and teamwork shine through in the face of adversity.

MythiccMoon’s Perspective

MythiccMoon expresses gratitude for being awake to witness the triumph, highlighting the unpredictability and thrill of the victory.

CommanderChaos17_’s Question

CommanderChaos17_ raises the question of whether the community truly pulled off the feat, reflecting the disbelief turned into celebration.

arkingu’s Faith in Democracy

arkingu shares a moment of doubt turning into faith in the power of democracy, symbolized by the community’s solidarity in achieving success.

kevpipefox’s Historical Context

kevpipefox provides context by mentioning a previous success, emphasizing the significance of the recent achievement and the ongoing challenges they face in the game.

zAmaz_, McGrinch27, KrisssoBG_, and Jurasito also chime in with their reactions and thoughts on the victorious defense main order.