Baldur’s Gate: Hilarious Tales of Hiring NPCs for the Weirdest Reasons

Discover the funniest reasons why players in Baldur's Gate have hired NPCs in this quirky read!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever hired an NPC in Baldur’s Gate for the most absurd reasons? Redditors spill the beans on their pettiest hires!


  • Players share hilarious stories of hiring NPCs for bizarre purposes
  • From creating a featherfall wizard to stealing clothes, the reasons are endless
  • Some hires are for achievements or to drive companions mad in-game

Tales of a Featherfall Wizard

Saintbutch hilariously admits hiring a gnome as a Featherfall wizard during Gale’s kidnapping to avoid the hassle of finding a scroll.

The Case of the Missing Underwear

Trengilly shares the amusing tale of hiring NPCs to acquire different camp clothes and yes, underwear!

Naked Hireling Shenanigans

Extension_Phase_1117 confesses to employing a hireling just to stand naked in camp for real-life irritation.

Survival Check Fails

Revolutionary-Bar455’s hireling solution to reveal hidden dirt due to failed survival checks is both petty and genius.

These quirky tales showcase the absurdity and humor players find in the most unexpected corners of Baldur’s Gate.