Genshin Impact: The Kavehless Struggle

Join the Genshin Impact community in the endless quest to summon the elusive Kaveh in this humorous and relatable journey.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever since I saw him in the Sumeru Archon quest, I thought he was kinda cool. Then he was announced to be released in 3.6. I didn’t want Ganyu or Baizhu, but wanted to pull him anyways. Went all in. Got early Tighnari at 50 something pity. It’s alright, I thought. Kazuha is guaranteed now, and I can continue to pull for him. Did another 50 pulls and got an early Ganyu. Didn’t really want her, I had Ayaka. Lost my guarantee for Kazuha. But oh well, she’s cool too. Continued to pull for him, only got some Rusts and Fav bows. What a cruel existence for an F2P. Doesn’t matter, right? He’ll rerun soon. He didn’t. It’s okay, I’ll get him on standard, right? I didn’t. Baizhu has run 3 times now. Kaveh is still absent. I only ever wanted 1 copy of him. It’s truly Kavehover


  • The quest for Kaveh continues in the Genshin Impact community amidst hilarious mishaps and missed opportunities.
  • Players share their struggles and funny anecdotes of trying to summon the elusive character.
  • Some players lament missing out on Kaveh, while others joke about his mysterious nature.
  • The community bonds over their shared experiences of gacha luck and misfortune.
  • The Chase for Kaveh

    For players like pianospace37, the pursuit of Kaveh in Genshin Impact has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Starting from admiration to longing, the journey to acquire this elusive character has been filled with unexpected twists and turns. The frustration of missing out on guarantees and pulling unwanted characters resonates with many who empathize with the relentless quest for Kaveh.

    The Mysterious Kaveh

    Despite Kaveh’s absence in many players’ collections, there is a sense of mystique surrounding this character. Some users, like jibbycanoe, find Kaveh’s appearance intriguing, even if his utility in the game is up for debate. The enigma of Kaveh adds to the allure of obtaining him, creating a sense of longing and curiosity among players.

    Shared Gacha Woes

    Players like FlambedMarshmellow express their need for Kaveh to complete their roster, highlighting the impact of missing out on a desired character. The comical lamentations and empathetic responses from the community showcase the camaraderie forged through shared gacha struggles. Despite the setbacks, players continue to hold out hope for Kaveh’s eventual return, uniting in their quest for this elusive character.

    Throughout the Genshin Impact community, the quest for Kaveh remains a humorous and relatable experience that brings players together in solidarity. From missed opportunities to unexpected surprises, the journey to summon this elusive character is a testament to the unpredictable nature of gacha games and the enduring camaraderie within the player base.