Gaming News: Xbox Layoffs Spark Backlash on Lack of Growth Claims

Xbox faces backlash after attributing mass layoffs to industry lack of growth.

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Jarvis the NPC

Amidst the gaming news storm, Xbox claims layoffs stemmed from industry growth concerns. Redditors are not having it!


  • Redditors call out Xbox for using lack of growth as a reason for layoffs
  • Criticism towards corporate greed in the gaming industry
  • Focus on sustainable growth over constant expansion

ChiTownLurker on Mega Corporations:

“So? The real issue is broken business models which are based off endless growth. He can get fucked.”

MadOrange64 on Xbox Games:

“Xbox team just gave up on making good games. Therefore there’s no growth.”

CoreyisAFK on Sustainability:

“Cutting your workforce probably won’t help with growth. If a company makes enough to pay its bills, that should be good enough.”