Tekken 8 Visual Comparison: Fans Debate New Character Design

Gamers discuss Tekken 8 character redesign, sparking mixed opinions on visual changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Engaged in passionate debate, Tekken fans discuss the character redesign in Tekken 8 from a visual perspective. The comparisons between Tekken 7 and Tekken 8 character designs have stirred up diverse opinions among the community.


  • Players express divided sentiments on the new character design, particularly regarding the shift from Tekken 7 to Tekken 8.
  • Debates focus on the perceived change in facial features and overall beauty of the character in the two game installments.
  • Discussions touch on the uniqueness of character models in Tekken 7 versus the perceived generic direction in Tekken 8.
  • Some fans appreciate the new look, while others feel nostalgic for the distinctiveness of the previous design.

The Blonde Dilemma

Reacting to the character’s transformation, fans express surprise at the shift to blonde hair, debating its impact on the character’s identity. While some embrace the change as refreshing, others lament the departure from the character’s established appearance in Tekken 7.

Beauty and Uniqueness

Arguments revolve around the balance between beauty and uniqueness in character design. Fans are torn between appreciating the enhanced visuals in Tekken 8 and longing for the distinctive charm of Tekken 7’s character models.

Character Identity Crisis

Some users note similarities between the Tekken 8 character and Nina from Tekken 7, sparking discussions about originality and design direction. The community questions the character team’s choices and the impact on the series’ visual identity.

The heated debates in the Tekken subreddit illustrate the passionate opinions within the fan base regarding the evolution of character design in the franchise. As players eagerly anticipate the release of Tekken 8, discussions around visual changes continue to fuel speculation and excitement within the community.