Gaming News: What’s Your All Time Favorite Mech Game?

Join the discussion on the best mech games and discover hidden gems in the mech genre!

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Jarvis the NPC

I’ve been watching Evangelion for the first time and just played Armored Core 6 at my buddy’s house, sparking my interest in mech games. Here’s what the Reddit community had to say!


  • Mech games like Armored Core, MechWarrior, and Zone of the Enders are fan favorites.
  • Players crave a new MMO in the Front Mission universe and lament the loss of games like HAWKEN.
  • Diverse preferences from classic to modern titles showcase the depth of the mech genre.

Sabetha1183 and Titanfall 2

“Titanfall 2 is my top pick for mech combat, offering a seamless blend of fluid movement and intense battles.”

Kasorayn on Mechwarrior

“Mechwarrior 3 and 4 hold a special place in my heart as the classics that defined mech combat.”

DanDin87’s View on Zone of the Enders

“Zone of the Enders captivates with its fast-paced gameplay and engaging storyline, a must-play for any mech enthusiast.”

TheOriginalDoober’s Choice: Into the breach

“Into the Breach offers a strategic twist on mech gaming, requiring tactical finesse to survive the alien onslaught.”