Gaming News: Manor Lords Developer Breaks Silence on Total War Rumors

Is Manor Lords truly a Total War rival? Reddit users share their thoughts on the upcoming game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Manor Lords Developer Stresses That It’s ‘Not a Total War Competitor,’ Nor an RPG


  • Manor Lords stands out with its unique blend of city management and combat
  • Players are divided on whether it could challenge Total War
  • The visuals and depth of Manor Lords are attracting attention

High Hopes for Manor Lords

There’s a ton of hype building up around this game, but I think it will land well. I played the demo for it when it was out on Steam during Next Fest. I went into the demo with no expectations and it hooked me all day long. It performed great, and the game systems were well-balanced to me, as someone who’s been a long-time fan of tycoons, city builders, and other management sims. The graphics are some of the best in the genre. This game does feel like it’s going to have a unique niche for itself.

Not a Total War Killer

I have no idea why people started saying it was a total war killer. I mean I know it’s YouTube click bait shit but one look at the game and if you have half a brain you can see it’s not that. This is just like saying any game that has a stamina bar is a soulslike.

Future Potential

Interesting thing from these sky high overblown expectations of people is that there is a market for larger scale city builder with a solid combat system, political system, and factions. If I was a capable developer with grander vision and money, I would make a game set in the classic Greek world where you can form a city-state, manage it, and go to war with others.

Maybe it’s not “trying to be” a competitor, but it has a lot of similarities. That said I’m going to play the shit out of it just like Total Wars. Watched a couple of streams and it looks incredible. The details in it are honestly bordering on obsessive. Will see how fun it is to actually play the game, but it looks mad!