Gaming News: Dragon’s Dogma 2 Success Ignites Excitement and Concern Among Gamers

Discover why gamers have mixed feelings about Dragon’s Dogma 2’s success with Capcom.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The success of Dragon’s Dogma 2 has sparked a wave of excitement and concern among gamers on Reddit. The game’s impressive performance has led to discussions about the implications for both players and developers.


  • Players are thrilled about the game’s success but express concerns about how the profits will be distributed.
  • The potential for future content and expansions excites many, highlighting the game’s ongoing potential.
  • Some users worry that corporate interests might overshadow creative integrity in future sequels and DLC.
  • Questions arise regarding the compensation for developers and whether they will benefit from the game’s success.

Excitement and Anticipation

As one user shared, “…hopefully it gets a Dark Arisen-esque expansion to fix some of its obvious flaws.” This sentiment reflects the hope for continuous improvement and the potential for enriching gameplay experiences.

Corporate Profit vs. Player Satisfaction

Conversely, concerns were raised about corporate priorities shifting towards profit rather than player satisfaction. This tension between commercial success and artistic quality is a common theme in the gaming industry.

Developer Recognition

Some users raised questions about the recognition and compensation of developers in light of the game’s success. The balance between corporate gains and fair compensation for the creative minds behind the game remains a contentious issue.

Dragon’s Dogma 2’s triumph has ignited a diverse range of reactions within the gaming community. While excitement over potential expansions and sequels abounds, concerns about corporate influences and developer welfare persist. The delicate balance between commercial success and player satisfaction continues to drive discussions among gamers, shaping perceptions of the gaming landscape.