Destiny 2 Subreddit Drama: The Grind or Not the Grind?

Exploring the mixed sentiments in the Destiny 2 subreddit about the game's leveling and grind mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Feeling trapped in a gaming grind? Find out how Destiny 2 players are wrestling with the concept of the eternal grind.


  • Players debate whether Destiny 2’s leveling is a true grind or a casual stroll.
  • Some find reaching max rank a breeze with minimal effort.
  • Bounties seem to be a key component for quick progression.
  • Varied player experiences from quick rank-ups to slower journeys showcase the game’s flexibility.

Is It Really a Grind?

One user found hitting max rank in Destiny 2 before weapon quests dropped, indicating a smooth journey. However, another user highlighted the importance of completing bounties for progress.

Experiences Vary

From hitting max rank within two weeks to struggling with daily quests due to playstyle limitations like arthritis, player experiences showcased the game’s adaptability.

The Speed Runners

Some players managed to reach maximum rank within a short timeframe by focusing on specific tasks, illustrating different strategies players can employ to progress rapidly.

The Final Verdict

Destiny 2’s leveling system offers both quick progression paths for dedicated players and more relaxed options for those with limited playtime. The perception of grind varies based on individual playstyles and preferences, creating a diverse player experience.