FullTilt Gaming: The Golden Knight’s Buff was TERRIBLE in Clash Royale

FullTilt Gaming discusses the disappointing buff to the Golden Knight in Clash Royale's January balance changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

The video by FullTilt Gaming titled “The Golden Knight’s Buff was TERRIBLE in Clash Royale” explores the underwhelming buff given to the Golden Knight in the game’s January balance changes. The Golden Knight received an 8% buff to its Dash damage, but it fell short of addressing the card’s inherent weaknesses. While the Archer Queen received a more substantial buff, the Golden Knight remains one of the worst cards in the game.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Golden Knight’s 8% damage buff was inadequate to improve its viability.
  • Addressing the Golden Knight’s weaknesses without making it overpowered is a challenge.
  • A further damage buff may be necessary to make the Golden Knight a playable Champion.

The Golden Knight’s Ineffectual Buff

In Clash Royale’s January balance changes, the Golden Knight received a minor 8% buff to its Dash damage. However, this adjustment proved to be insignificant in improving the card’s overall performance. While other cards like the Archer Queen benefited from more impactful buffs, the Golden Knight remains one of the weakest choices in the game.

Challenges of Buffing the Golden Knight

The Golden Knight’s previous iteration was deemed overpowered due to its boosted health and dash stat. Balancing the card to make it more viable without making it too strong is a delicate task. While a damage buff was attempted in the recent balance changes, it seems that further adjustments may be necessary to bring the Golden Knight back into the realm of playable Champions.

The Need for Another Damage Buff

Considering the Golden Knight’s current state of being virtually unusable, another damage buff could potentially make it a more viable choice for players. By increasing its damage output, the Golden Knight may regain its place among the playable Champions, providing a more balanced gameplay experience.