Fortnite Mystery: Glitches or Cheats?

Explore mysterious Fortnite glitches and player perspectives on anomalies in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are no strangers to unexpected glitches and mysteries, but one Redditor, cl00s_, couldn’t help but question a puzzling encounter in the game. Here’s a dive into the Reddit post…


  • Players discuss a strange bunker glitch that caused an unexpected gameplay outcome.
  • Opinions vary on whether it was a game bug or potential cheating by the opponent.
  • The community calls for Epic Games to address ongoing glitches and issues promptly.

The Bunker Dilemma

Some users speculate that the bunker glitch could be a result of lag or faulty game mechanics. The debate rages on whether it was a game bug or a deliberate exploit by the opponent.

Player Perspectives

Players express frustration over the increasing number of glitches affecting gameplay. Many feel that such issues undermine the skill-based nature of the game and call for urgent fixes from Epic Games.

Community Concerns

The Fortnite community remains divided on the root cause of the bunker glitch. While some attribute it to technical issues, others suspect foul play. The incident raises questions about the game’s overall integrity and fairness.

Despite the differing opinions, one thing is clear: Fortnite players are passionate about maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming experience. As glitches and anomalies continue to crop up, the community’s vigilance and demand for accountability remain unwavering.