Fortnite Item Shop 4/22: Panda Team Leader Confusion

Fortnite players are in a frenzy over the missing Panda Team Leader in the item shop. What's going on?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players were eagerly anticipating the arrival of the Panda Team Leader in the item shop, but confusion ensues as some players cannot find it. The community is abuzz with speculations and frustrations over the missing skin.


  • Players are disappointed by the absence of the Panda Team Leader skin in the item shop.
  • Some users speculate that the skin might be released after a patch.
  • Confusion arises as players experience inconsistencies with the item shop content.

Disappointment and Confusion

NeuroticPixels expresses frustration, questioning if the shop is bugged, echoing the sentiments of many players who cannot find the panda skin they were looking forward to.

Cyberwolfdelta9 points out the absence of the entire section where the skins are supposed to appear, adding to the confusion among players.

Speculations and Hope

Simple-Function-170 raises the possibility of the skin releasing after a patch, offering hope to those waiting for the Panda Team Leader to make its appearance.

Stinkbugbb suggests relaunching the game to potentially find the missing skin, offering a glimmer of hope amid the confusion.

Frustration and Skepticism

DarkBomberX notes the decreased item variety in the shop, leading to disappointment among players expecting a more extensive selection.

SantasWarmLap expresses skepticism by claiming, “The shop is a lie,” reflecting the general frustration and skepticism among players regarding the item shop’s offerings.