Unlocking Immortal in Valorant: The Playtime Conundrum

Discover how many hours it takes to reach the coveted Immortal rank in Valorant and why the journey varies for every player!

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Interested in finding out how many hours it takes to reach Immortal in Valorant? Let’s dive into the diverse player experiences and personal journeys on the path to mastery!


  • Immortal rank attainment varies greatly based on individual learning speeds, dedication, and experience.
  • Players share their diverse playtime experiences, ranging from a few hundred hours to over 2000 hours.
  • Game sense, fundamentals, and personal practice play crucial roles in climbing the ranks.
  • Hand-eye coordination, prior FPS experience, and dedication are key factors influencing playtime needed.

Learning Curve

Player comments emphasize the unique learning curve each individual faces in Valorant. From those who swiftly ascend to Immortal within a hundred hours to others spending over 2000 hours on the journey, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for success.

Game Sense vs. Aim Training

While aim and movement skills are vital, many players stress the importance of game sense and fundamentals for progressing in Valorant. Having a balance between mechanical prowess and tactical understanding is key to climbing the ranks.

Personal Experience Matters

Some players reveal their personal playtime milestones, with hours ranging from 400 to 2500 before achieving Immortal. It’s a testament to the diverse paths players take in honing their skills and reaching the top ranks.

Embark on your own journey to Immortal in Valorant, understanding that the hours you invest are just a part of the equation. Your dedication, learning pace, and holistic skill development will ultimately determine your success in the highly competitive world of Valorant.