Fortnite: Hilarious Misunderstanding on Vegetarianism

The Fortnite community gets into a hilarious debate over a character's vegetarianism and fish consumption.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit recently sparked a debate over a character’s unconventional approach to vegetarianism surrounding fish consumption. The post in question has divided the community, with some finding humor in the situation while others express confusion.


  • Players engage in a lighthearted exchange over a character’s dietary preferences.
  • Some users find the interaction amusing, adding to the game’s charm.
  • Others express varying levels of skepticism and confusion over the character’s choice.

Amusing Interactions

One user humorously notes the character’s canonical reputation as a ‘dumbass,’ adding a comedic twist to the discussion.

Confusion Among Players

Several users express their perplexity over the character claiming to be a vegetarian while the player catches fish, highlighting the apparent inconsistency in the narrative.

Educational Insights

A few users provide informative responses, clarifying the distinctions between vegetarianism, veganism, and different types of vegetarian diets, enriching the community’s knowledge base.

The Fortnite subreddit showcases the diverse reactions and perspectives within the gaming community, blending humor with educational insights.