Optimizing Viper’s Abilities in Valorant for Better Gameplay

Discover the community's take on Viper's ability changes in Valorant and how it affects gameplay strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant players have been discussing the recent changes to Viper’s abilities and how it impacts her effectiveness in matches.


  • Viper’s Snakebite ability is deemed ineffective and needs improvements for solo usage.
  • The community suggests tweaks to make the ability more versatile and player-friendly.
  • Players debate the intended role of Viper’s abilities in the game.

Players’ Perspectives on Viper’s Snakebite

While some players feel Viper’s molly is underwhelming and lacks standalone value, others argue…

Viper’s Role in Post-Plant Situations

The debate extends to how Viper’s abilities should serve in post-plant scenarios, with some players advocating…

Vulnerability Effect Debate

Discussions also touch on the vulnerability effect of Viper’s abilities and how it influences gameplay strategies…

The back and forth between players showcases the complexity of balancing an agent’s abilities in Valorant.