Fortnite Daily Shop Discussion: Blaze Skin Controversy and More

Check out the heated discussion surrounding the daily shop items in Fortnite, including the controversial Blaze skin swap.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing with excitement, frustration, and humor as they dissect the daily shop offerings on Reddit.


  • Controversy erupts over the unexpected swap of the Blaze skin for a glider.
  • Players vocalize dissatisfaction over pricing discrepancies between new bundles and starter packs.
  • Speculation arises about missing items like pickaxes accompanying certain skins.

Blaze Skin Swap Drama

One Reddit user, HippieDogeSmokes, expressed bewilderment as they discovered the Blaze skin with bikers instead of its corresponding glider, sparking a barrage of amused and perplexed responses from the community.

New Bundle Pricing

Another player, HippieDogeSmokes, raised eyebrows over the higher cost of a new brite lego bundle compared to the starter pack, questioning the value of essentially identical items at varying prices.

Missing Pickaxes Controversy

Cerisechipmunk initiated a debate on whether the absence of pickaxes like Stake & Stalker from certain bundles was an oversight or intentional, leading to a flurry of theories and reactions.

Amidst the banter and critiques, the Fortnite community remains engaged and eager for changes in future daily shop selections, showcasing the passionate dedication of its players.