Why Valorant High Ranks Won’t Make You Happier – A Player’s Perspective

Exploring how high ranks in Valorant may not bring the expected enjoyment and rewards, shedding light on player frustrations.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant players share their disillusionment with high ranks, citing stagnant gameplay and underwhelming rewards.


  • High ranks in Valorant offer little in terms of gameplay excitement or rewards.
  • Players suggest adding more incentives like unique skins tied to ranks.
  • Some argue that the focus should be on improvement, not cosmetic rewards.

Player Frustrations

Proslice22 shares their disappointment in the lack of progression and enjoyment across different ranks in Valorant. The mundane experience in all ranks has led to a loss of interest and motivation, particularly criticizing the radianite system and the insignificance of ranked rewards.

Community Responses

Reddit user theSkareqro empathizes with Proslice22’s sentiment, noting that high ranks often bring more challenges and stress, rather than enhanced enjoyment. They highlight the importance of pacing oneself and recognizing when it’s time to step back from the game to avoid burnout.

Gadgetbot offers a different perspective, arguing that the essence of ranked play should revolve around self-improvement rather than material rewards. They caution against incentivizing ranked with cosmetic items, fearing it may attract players for the wrong reasons and harm the overall competitive experience.

evan_flow_ questions Proslice22’s priorities, pointing out the dissonance in being at a high rank like Radiant yet focusing solely on superficial rewards like the battle pass and cosmetics. This viewpoint challenges the notion of what truly matters in the pursuit of competitiveness and progression in Valorant.