Fortnite Craze: The Dark Side of Clickbait in the Gaming Community

Join us as we take a closer look at the recent controversy surrounding T5G, the Fortnite YouTuber known for his clickbait videos.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Fortnite community has been buzzing with controversy lately, and it all revolves around a popular YouTuber named T5G. Reddit user RockruffAnimations09 recently posted a thread titled ‘T5G be crazy,’ sparking a heated discussion about the content creator’s practices.


  • Fortnite YouTuber T5G is criticized for clickbait content.
  • His thumbnails and videos are considered misleading and low-quality.
  • The channel heavily relies on content from the Fortnite subreddit.

The Dark Side of Clickbait

Honeydewmelo voiced their concerns, stating, “This is why I don’t watch BR YouTubers. Way too much clickbait.” Skelibutt jumped in, sympathizing with the thumbnail creator, saying, “I feel bad for whoever had to make the thumbnails for those channels.”

A Clickbaitey Channel

Tr00th didn’t hold back, sharing their negative opinion about T5G’s content, stating, “Out of all the Fortnite YT creators, Top5Gaming is easily the most clickbaitey of them all. Plus his videos are kinda trash IMO.” PlatinumAgent14 chimed in, adding, “T5G legit clickbaits to the moon.”

Riding on Content from the Fortnite Subreddit

Darknight254 pointed out the source of T5G’s content, stating, “Most of the videos on that channel are from this subreddit.” This raised questions about the originality and creativity of T5G’s content.

Conner21dumb had an interesting query, asking, “Why is T5G so obsessed with PETA? Is he vegetarian?” This comment sparked speculation about the YouTuber’s personal choices and motivations.

Voices of Discontent

Arab_Femboy1 expressed their dissatisfaction, saying, “Same thing happened to the reaper showdown. Too much clickbait.” 2tec criticized Epic Games, stating, “Epic isn’t talking. It’d be crap anyways.”

This controversy surrounding T5G highlights the growing issue of clickbait content on YouTube and its negative impact on the gaming community. With creators like T5G attracting millions of views, it’s important to distinguish between informative and entertaining content from misleading clickbait.