Final Fantasy: Exploring the Differences Between FF7 Remakes and FF16

Find out how FF7 remakes offer a deeper RPG experience compared to FF16 and what fans have to say about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are debating the differences between FF7 remakes and FF16, questioning if the new installment offers the same gameplay style and difficulty level. Let’s dive into the discussion on Reddit.


  • FF7 Remakes delve deep into RPG elements and strategic gameplay.
  • The combat in the Remake is a perfect blend of action and turn-based elements.
  • Players find FF7 Remakes to be vastly superior to FF16 in terms of gameplay complexity and enjoyment.
  • FF7 Remake offers various difficulty levels, including a challenging Hard Mode post-main story completion.

Exploring the Gameplay Mechanics

Fans highlight that the FF7 Remakes differ significantly from FF16. While FF16 lacked depth in RPG elements, the Remakes fully embrace the genre, offering strategic battles and extensive customization options. Players appreciate the mix of action and traditional turn-based combat, providing a unique and engaging experience.

Favoring Complexity Over Simplistic Gameplay

Many players express their preference for the complexity of FF7 Remakes compared to the straightforward gameplay of FF16. The Remakes challenge players with diverse systems and intricate mechanics, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The introduction of Hard Mode post-story completion adds a new level of difficulty, catering to players seeking a greater challenge.

A Fan’s Perspective

One fan shares their disappointment with FF16’s simplistic combat and storyline, contrasting it with the rich and immersive gameplay of the Remakes. They believe that the effort put into developing the new FF7 games surpasses that of FF16, emphasizing the superior quality and depth of the Remakes.

Overall, the discussion sheds light on the distinct differences between FF7 Remakes and FF16, highlighting the Remakes’ focus on RPG elements, strategic gameplay, and challenging difficulty options. Fans appreciate the depth and complexity offered by the Remakes, setting them apart from the lackluster experience of FF16.