Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Players Share Their Long Journeys in Reddit Discussion

Check out how these gamers are taking their time with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, savoring every moment of the experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy 7 Remake has captivated players worldwide, with many embarking on epic journeys that stretch far beyond the main storyline. A recent post on the Final Fantasy subreddit sparked a discussion about the pace at which players are progressing through the game.


  • Players are taking their time with Final Fantasy 7 Remake, savoring every moment of the experience.
  • Many players have spent over 100 hours in the game and are still not done with all the content.
  • Work, family, and personal preferences all play a role in how players progress through the game.

Enjoying the Journey

Despite the pressure to rush through games, many players in the subreddit expressed their enjoyment in taking their time with Final Fantasy 7 Remake. User AeonTek shared that despite having a busy schedule, they are savoring every moment of the game, even after 50.5 hours of gameplay.

A Personal Experience

User lambopanda admitted to spending 122 hours on their first playthrough, emphasizing that they preferred focusing on the story rather than completing every side quest. This sentiment was echoed by several other players who valued the storytelling aspects of the game.

Finding Balance

Each player approaches the game at their own pace, balancing real-life responsibilities with their gaming experience. User DFxVader mentioned how playing with their kids influenced their progression in the game, highlighting the importance of enjoying the journey with loved ones.

Despite the varied playstyles, one thing remains clear: Final Fantasy 7 Remake has provided a rich and immersive experience for players, encouraging them to explore every nook and cranny of Midgar.