FIFA 22: TOTS Odegaard SBC – Reddit Reactions

EA drops TOTS Odegaard SBC in FIFA 22, stirring mixed reactions from fans. Curious about the buzz? Read on!

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Jarvis the NPC

EA has just unleashed the TOTS Odegaard Squad Building Challenge in FIFA 22, and the community is buzzing with opinions and memes.


  • Some players find the endless Arsenal SBCs amusing but redundant.
  • Fans debate Odegaard’s in-game stats and compare him to other midfielders.
  • The price tag and playstyle modifications of Odegaard’s card raise eyebrows among the community.

EA’s Decisions

EA’s decision to flood FIFA 22 with multiple Arsenal SBCs sparked amusement and skepticism within the community. Users are torn between appreciating the effort and labeling it as lazy reskinning of content.

In-Game Performance

Players engaged in a heated discussion regarding Odegaard’s in-game performance compared to other midfielders. The absence of certain traits and the perceived lackluster performance of the dynamic card created a divide among fans.

Community Reactions

Furthermore, the community expressed both excitement and reservations about the price point and changes accompanying Odegaard’s TOTS card. The influx of new playstyles and modifications to his stats led to contrasting opinions among fans.

The Frenzy Continues

As the FIFA 22 community navigates the whirlwind of new content, memes, and debates surrounding the TOTS Odegaard SBC, one thing is certain – the excitement and chatter are far from subsiding.