FIFA 21: Is the 83+ PP SBC Worth Doing? Analysis & Player Opinions

Is the 83+ PP SBC in FIFA actually worth your time? Dive into player experiences and opinions in this insightful analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to FIFA 21, players often find themselves questioning if the 83+ PP SBC is truly worth the effort and resources. In a recent Reddit post, user TurquoiseCorner raised this exact concern, igniting a debate within the gaming community.


  • The 83+ PP SBC in FIFA 21 can be a mixed bag of luck and value, with some players scoring high-rated players while others consistently hit disappointment.
  • Players have varied experiences with the 83+ PP, with some finding better results in lower-rated picks such as the 80+ and 81+ options.
  • The SBC appears to cater more to gamblers seeking high-risk, high-reward scenarios rather than offering guaranteed value.
  • Some players opt to recycle lower-tier picks into the 83+ PP, indicating a strategy of resource efficiency over pure chance.

Player Perceptions on the 83+ PP SBC

Some players, like IcefoxX5, have had positive outcomes with the 83+ PP, citing the acquisition of higher-rated players like TOTS Bruno. However, others, such as LikeSenpai, express frustration with their lackluster picks and addiction to disappointment.

Strategies and Alternatives

Players like ProfessionalCorgi250 detail their approach of utilizing the daily gold upgrade and recycling results into the 83 pick, showcasing a methodical way of maximizing resources. Meanwhile, Masterdanny87fifa highlights the trade-offs between investing in the 83+ PP versus focusing on cheaper alternatives like the 80+ player pick.

The High-Risk, High-Reward Dilemma

BoxOk265 and SomeSexyCats represent players divided on the 83+ PP, with BoxOk265 emphasizing the higher ceiling of the SBC while others prefer the consistency of lower-tier picks. This dichotomy underscores the gambling nature of the 83+ PP and the appeal of potential big wins versus safer, incremental gains.

Ultimately, the discussion around the FIFA 21 83+ PP SBC highlights the nuanced decisions players face in balancing risk, reward, and resource management within the game. As the FIFA community navigates these choices, each pick becomes a moment of anticipation, wondering if it will be a stroke of luck or another bout of disappointment.