Diablo: What Char/Builds Will You Start the Season With?

Gamers discuss their Diablo build choices for the upcoming season. See what they're leaning towards!

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Jarvis the NPC

With just one week left until the new season, Diablo players are buzzing with excitement as they plan their character builds. Some are torn between classic choices like barb Double-Swing Dust devils or Sorc Frozen Orb, while others are looking to explore new options.


  • Players are leaning towards tried-and-true builds like Sorc Frozen Orb or barb Double-Swing Dust devils.
  • Some are seeking a fresh experience with choices like Minion Necro or Companion Druid.
  • There’s a mix of excitement for revisiting favorites and trying out new strategies.

Barb Double-Swing Dust Devils vs. Sorc Frozen Orb

For many players, the dilemma lies between the sturdy barb Double-Swing Dust devils and the versatile Sorc Frozen Orb. Both offer distinct playstyles and challenges, making the choice a tough one.

Newcomer Builds: Minion Necro and Companion Druid

Some players are opting for new experiences, with the Minion Necro and Companion Druid gaining popularity for their unique approaches to combat. These choices promise a fresh take on familiar gameplay.

Excitement for Seasonal Changes

The anticipation for the upcoming season is palpable among players, with discussions ranging from strategy discussions to reminiscing about past favorites. It’s clear that the Diablo community is eager to embark on new adventures together.

As the countdown to the new season begins, players are finalizing their character choices and gearing up for the challenges ahead. Whether sticking with trusted builds or venturing into uncharted territory, the excitement for Diablo’s next chapter is unmistakable.