Fextralife: Unveiling the Secrets of the Misbegotten in Elden Ring

Discover the lore behind the Misbegotten in Elden Ring and their significance in the game's world.

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Griot the NPC

Elden Ring players have been eager to learn more about the Misbegotten, a group of malformed creatures that hold a mysterious place in the game’s lore. In a recent video by Fextralife titled ‘Who are the MISBEGOTTEN in Elden Ring? #eldenring #eldenringlore #shorts’, the channel dives deep into the origins and significance of these creatures. Let’s take a closer look at the key takeaways from the video.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Misbegotten are a group of malformed creatures seen as inferior by the Golden Order.
  • They can be found in the Weeping Peninsula and near the Micholas H tree.
  • Misbegotten are believed to be a punishment for making contact with The Crucible, a primordial form of life.
  • There are different types of Misbegotten, including winged and scaly variants.

The Origins and Significance of the Misbegotten

The Misbegotten in Elden Ring are depicted as deformed creatures that are mistreated and enslaved due to their perceived impurity. They are seen as inferior by the Golden Order, wielding large iron weapons and attacking relentlessly. These creatures can be found in various locations, but the Weeping Peninsula and the vicinity of the Micholas H tree are particularly known for their Misbegotten presence.

The origins of the Misbegotten can be traced back to The Crucible, a primordial form where all life was once blended together. Initially, The Crucible and its representations were revered as divine, but as civilization advanced, they were deemed impure. Making contact with The Crucible is believed to be the reason for the existence of the Misbegotten, and they are often seen as a punishment for this transgression.

Types of Misbegotten

Within the Misbegotten group, there are different variations that showcase unique characteristics. One such variant is the winged Misbegotten, which utilizes its fully developed wings to shoot arrows from above. This aerial advantage makes them formidable foes in combat.

Another type of Misbegotten is the scaly variant, distinguished by their body-covering scales and larger-than-average size. These Misbegotten possess long tails, further enhancing their physical prowess.

The Tale of Hu, the Round T’s Blacksmith

A special case among the Misbegotten is Hu, the round T’s blacksmith. Hu was once enslaved by Queen America and forced to forge a weapon powerful enough to slay a god. The story of Hu highlights the tragic fate that many Misbegotten share, being subjected to enslavement and used as tools for the powerful.