Exploring the Emptiness in Genshin Impact – A Reddit Community Discussion

Dive into the Reddit community's thoughts on the emptiness found in Genshin Impact and its impact on the game world.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players on Reddit are buzzing about the emptiness found in certain areas of the game, with many feeling disappointed about the missed potential for more content.


  • Players express disappointment at the emptiness in certain game areas.
  • There is a consensus that more content could have been added to enhance the player experience.
  • Expectations for additional features like caves or chests were not met.

RaffeyC – More Space Expected

RaffeyC comments on the Bayda Harbor’s small size and the missed opportunities for more content.

Thorondale – Sumeru Deserves Better

Thorondale expresses disappointment in the lack of rainforest areas and the overall treatment of the Sumeru region.

The-Iraqi-Guy – Desert-Like Coastline

The-Iraqi-Guy remarks on the desolate nature of the coastline, likening it to a desert.

Aulenor, Shot-Sky2299, AGamingGuy, Bottomsley, Chilune, queenyuyu, Gentlemanor, and more players voice their thoughts on the sparse areas in the game, highlighting missed opportunities for engaging gameplay.