Decoding Destiny 2: Broken Scanner Mystery Unraveled

In Destiny 2, a broken scanner leads to chaos! Let's dive into the intriguing Reddit post and unravel the mystery.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players are puzzled over a broken scanner situation that caused quite a stir. Let’s dive into the Reddit post and explore the community’s reactions.


  • Players faced unexpected challenges with the broken scanner in Destiny 2.
  • Understanding triggers for simultaneous activations is crucial in the game.
  • Community experiences range from confusion to finding clever workarounds.
  • The mystery of the broken scanner adds an element of unpredictability to gameplay.

Deciphering the Mystery

Exploring Final Stand Dynamics

One player, tr0npl, highlighted the significance of managing multiple activations during the final stand, shedding light on how overlooking one can lead to disastrous outcomes.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

JobeariotheOG’s explanation emphasized the importance of timely reactions and being vigilant to prevent complications, showcasing the delicate balance within Destiny 2’s mechanics.

Glimmer of Hope

toastywf_ shared a positive twist to the situation, showcasing that sometimes mistakes can be rectified without dire consequences, providing a sense of relief amidst the chaos.

The Glitch in the System

Loud_Region_8502’s succinct comment captured the frustration of encountering unexpected glitches, adding an element of unpredictability that can both challenge and frustrate players.

Final Stand Revelations

Revived and Ruined

poppopheadshot’s observation delved into the intricacies of Atraks orbs, highlighting how a simple misstep in picking them up can have catastrophic consequences within the team.