Exploring Innovative Pal Concepts in Palworld Community

Dive into the latest Pal concept in Palworld and see how the community reacts to this intriguing addition!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld community is buzzing with excitement over the latest Pal concept introduced by Ehcko. The concept of Soluna, a creature capable of time manipulation, has sparked diverse reactions among players.


  • Players intrigued by Soluna’s time manipulation abilities
  • Suggestions for enhancing the Pal’s tasks and skills
  • Comparisons drawn between Soluna and popular characters

Player Reactions

One user, Lux_Hunter, expressed interest in adding more tasks for Soluna to perform, proposing a unique day-night work cycle for the Pal. This idea of a 24/7 worker garnered attention within the community.

Suggestions and Comparisons

Another player, BeachOk2802, humorously compared Soluna to character from FNAF, highlighting the fun references players draw from different franchises to relate to new concepts in Palworld.

Community Engagement

Deiki-kun noticed similarities between Soluna and characters from popular series, adding a layer of depth to the discussion surrounding the Pal’s design and abilities. This connection sparked further conversations among fans.